
More crucial, not less

Behind the scenes

'I think in periods of crisis and directionlessness the arts are more crucial, not less.'

Leandro Erlich Window and ladder - too late for help 2008. Metal ladder, underground metal structure, aluminium frames, fibreglass brick wall. Courtesy of Leandro Erlich and Prospect New Orleans.

Leandro Erlich Window and ladder - too late for help 2008. Metal ladder, underground metal structure, aluminium frames, fibreglass brick wall. Courtesy of Leandro Erlich and Prospect New Orleans.

'It's important for people who are professionally involved in art to remember that art gives everybody a sense of orientation, a sense of hope and a feeling of continuity. Artists are engaged in a struggle for meaning, and that resonates anew when people generally are struggling to make sense of their upended lives.'

Dan Cameron, director of Prospect New Orleans, interviewed about the place of art in a post-disaster environment, in our new 'quake' issue of Bulletin.