Behind the scenes
The care of artworks is of the utmost importance here at Christchurch Art Gallery, so it's a strange feeling to 'destroy' an artwork.

However, the very nature of the mural projects rendered on the carpark bunker's wall is that they are temporary artworks, ever changing as part of our Outer Spaces program. Kay Rosen's Deep Beep has had an extended run, initially painted as part of the De-Building exhibition which would have been finished by now had it not been so rudely interrupted just a couple of weeks into its schedule. Deep Beep has been a vivid reminder, featuring in the background as the Gallery became ground zero for many news bulletins over the last few months. However, in the spirit of Outer Spaces it's time for something new, which means a layer of Resene Triple Concrete is applied to the bunker wall, erasing the black and yellow text-based painting in preparation for the next artwork. What will it be? Well, let's just say one of Canterbury's finest has something psychedelic in store. Give us a couple of weeks – weather permitting (it sure was cold applying the first undercoat this morning) – and you'll be able to see for yourself...