BEST in show

BEST in show

I'm a few days late on this, but we're due some bragging after picking up two great wins in the BEST Design Awards in Wellington last Friday.

What's in a title page

What's in a title page

Quite a lot if you happened to be a graphic designer working in London during the Victorian period as the three examples below highlight.  



Everywhere around us is a building site

Buller's Birds

Buller's Birds

For all the bad press Walter Buller gets for his activities as a bird stuffer you've got to hand it to him, he pulled one out of the bag with his first edition of A History of the Birds of New Zealand.



Our predecessor, the Robert McDougall Art Gallery, opened on 16 June 1932. By co-incidence, the premises we currently occupy opened the day after.

Morose Jester

Morose Jester

An early work by Sydney Lough Thompson (1877-1973) is a recent addition to the collection, having been left to the Gallery by generous bequest.

Stronger together

Stronger together

We thought those of you who kept track of Sian Torrington's Outer Spaces project in Avonside might be interested to see what she has been up to recently.

The Art of Marbling

The Art of Marbling

The art of marbling is alive and well in Christchurch. Well, at least among the kids that have been coming to our holiday programme.

Wanted! Alive.

Wanted! Alive.

Does the South Island kokako or grey ghost still exist?

South Island kōkako by Eileen Mayo

South Island kōkako by Eileen Mayo

This article first appeared as 'Elusive grey ghost continues to evade' in The Press on 4 October 2013

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