

The waters that infiltrate Hannah and Aaron Beehre's new installation at our NG space are mysterious and poetic, owing more to mythmaking than reality.

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness

Christchurch is at its most lovely in Autumn, and - despite the rubble, demolition equipment and ubiquitous, appropriately-toned road cones - this year is no exception.

Watch for me by moonlight

Watch for me by moonlight

Guilty pleasures come in forms other than reality TV, so here's my tribute to that rollicking narrative poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes and the recent perigee moon, thanks to the CAG collection and swashbuckling street artist Banksy.


Hannah and Aaron Beehre: Waters Above Waters Below

Hannah and Aaron Beehre's immersive new installation connects us with the transformative moments beneath the surface of the everyday.

Populate! update #24 (Who you gonna call?)

Populate! update #24 (Who you gonna call?)

There's something straaange... in the neighbourhood.

Quake brain, van der Velden-style

Quake brain, van der Velden-style

As might be expected, the Gallery's collection is primarily made up of complete works; prepared, resolved and sent on their way, as ready as they'll ever be for public exposure.

People in glasshouses

People in glasshouses

A few days ago, there were lots of little bits of glass and metal strewn (in a highly systematic way) across the floor of our NG gallery space.

Attack of the Stymphalian birds

Attack of the Stymphalian birds

"Dealing with network executives is like being nibbled to death by ducks" said the American news journalist Eric Sevareid (1912 - 1992).

Artists in Crime

Artists in Crime

That was the title the great Christchurch-born mystery writer Ngaio Marsh gave to a novel published in 1938, one of 32 whodunnits penned during her career.

Good things come in cardboard boxes

Good things come in cardboard boxes

As regular Bunker Notes readers will know, here at CAG we have some form when it comes to receivng mysterious parcels.

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