Master Secretary

Master Secretary

"A man's power is in the half-light, in the half-seen movements of his hand and the unguessed-at expression of his face. It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires."

Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall

Behold, the Great Wall of CAG

Behold, the Great Wall of CAG

We don't have too many visitors to the Gallery building just now, but those who do turn up will be able to admire our new forecourt feature.



Making the trip between Queenstown and Alexandra recently I was struck, as always, by the sight of the massive Clyde Dam.

Probably not a sign of good parenting

Probably not a sign of good parenting



1. Explaining to your kids that writing on other people's property is wrong while getting out of the car to take a picture for the work blog.

50s Models Series by Vivian Lynn

50s Models Series by Vivian Lynn

This article first appeared as 'Ahead of her time' in The Press on 18 October 2013

See all 14 works in this series

Stronger together

Stronger together

We thought those of you who kept track of Sian Torrington's Outer Spaces project in Avonside might be interested to see what she has been up to recently.

Viva Sydenham

Viva Sydenham

It seems a lifetime ago that we combined with Gap Filler to launch the Gallery's first post-quake Outer Spaces project in Sydenham. 

Sailing awaaaaaaaay

Sailing awaaaaaaaay

They're our tax dollars at work; might as well watch them skipping lightly away over the waves in San Francisco Bay (and give your fingernails a free trim in the process...)

Eileen Mayo

Eileen Mayo

It's 107 years since this multi-talented artist, described by art historian Kenneth Clark as 'outstandingly good', was born in Norwich, England.

Wish list

Wish list

So many books, so little time, as Frank Zappa apparently said.

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