Terry Urbahn: Bottles / mosh (2005)

This exhibition is now closed

Bottles/mosh (2005) DVD 4 min 58 sec

This video work is by Wellington artist Terry Urbahn. He was born in New Plymouth and graduated with a BFA from University of Canterbury in 1985. Bottles / mosh (2005) was first shown as part of his solo exhibition 'Spellbound' at Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, in 2005. It is a video mosh-pit of plastic 'head-banging' bottles (and other objects) being tossed around in rough water. The soundtrack is by Motorhead, a British 'head-banging' heavy metal band from the 80s. Terry Urbahn works with a variety of mediums. He has two sculptural works on display in Wunderbox on the ground floor.

  • Date:
    1 December – 31 December 2008
  • Exhibition number: