Art of the Sixties exhibition catalogue cover (detail)

Art of the Sixties exhibition catalogue cover (detail

Art of the Sixties exhibition catalogue (detail)

Telegram from Norman Kirk, Mp, Leader of the Opposition, declining an invitation to the opening of the exhibition New Zealand Art of the Sixties
This exhibition is now closed
Works by 34 painters, five sculptors, seven printmakers and 17 potters were included in this royal visit exhibition.
It was sponsored by the Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council and organised by Auckland Art Gallery,
The works in the exhibition were drawn from public collections only and were representative of the current trends in painting, sculpture, printmaking and pottery.
A special catalogue, illustrated with black and white and colour plates, was produced by artist Leo Bensemann and printed by Caxton Press.
Admission was free.
26 July – 16 August 1970 -
Robert McDougall Art Gallery - main gallery -
Exhibition number: