Bryce Galloway: Untitled (Hair Transposal Video)

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The viewer becomes disbelieving voyeur as the artist determinedly, unselfconsciously and almost convincingly disguises his own male pattern baldness with freshly-cropped chest hair.

Bryce Galloway's mirror-view video turns the viewer into disbelieving voyeur as the artist, apparently in the privacy of his own bathroom, unselfconsciously and semi-convincingly attempts to disguise his own male pattern baldness with freshly-cropped chest hair. In monitoring this ultimately unrewarding action, Galloway puts his problematic private self into a starring public role; the action seems a wryly self-deprecating poke at the male response to aging and vanity. Projected onto the window of an abandoned rental flat in Worcester Boulevard after dark, the work appears to have been made for this space, and takes on an even stranger dimension than it already owns.

  • Date:
    26 July – 22 October 2013
  • Curator:
    Ken Hall
  • Exhibition number: