Collaborative learning: Artist workshop

Collaborative learning: Artist workshop


Past event

Ground Floor School of Art and Design CPIT. D Block Madras Street

Christchurch Art Gallery is pleased to offer teachers this unique professional development opportunity, in collaboration with the School of Art and Design at CPIT.

Artists Edwards+Johann will provide teachers with inspiring ways of introducing collaborative art activities into their classes. In this hands-on workshop the focus will be on photography, drawing, collage and an opportunity to take part in practical activities.

Teachers taking part in this workshop will learn:

Processes to establish collaborative art projects with your class.
How to facilitate the development of ideas and art work in a group.
How to incorporate art activities into other curriculum areas and activities.
Strategies to describe art.
Methods to help edit work by use of reflection and outcomes.

To find out more about Edwards+Johann check out their website

Places in this free workshop are limited. All materials and lunch is provided.

To book please contact Susie at the Galley:; 03 9417373

Bookings Essential