Max Gimblett
Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1935
For Yves Klein
- 1985
- Pencil, acrylic polymer and metallic pigment on Arches Watercolour 300lb paper (France)
- The Max Gimblett and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Gift
- 584 x 775mm
- 2011/170
Tags: abstraction, blue (color), quatrefoils
“The quatrefoil is an ancient image with limitless meanings. It has long appeared on Christian churches, the four leaves sometimes being taken to stand for the four evangelists. […] It appears in the design of Japanese sword guards. It echoes the mandalas that fascinated Carl Jung with his four-way division of human activity: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking. For [Max] it is [also] the outline of your mother’s crochet work discovered under glass in her house after she died.” —Lewis Hyde, writer and cultural critic, United States
(Max Gimblett: Ocean Wheel 1 August – 15 November 2020)