Anton Parsons
Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1968
Jamb (Black)
- 2002
- Steel and vinyl
- Purchased, 2002
- 2000 x 1660 x 1050mm
- 2003/09
Tags: abstraction, black (color), doors, doorways, monochrome
A door jamb is both a support structure and a way through to another space. In hanging off it black strips of industrial PVC, however, Anton Parsons closes off the invitation to walk through. So Jamb (Black) becomes a structure that is both open and closed, and offers an interactive experience that plays on architectural space, movement and light.
Parsons has used a wide variety of media but in his recent work he has explored exit and entry points, door jambs and frames. The steel frames are spray painted white and the shiny plastic strips, shimmering in the asymmetrical frame, offer a reflection of the gallery space and the viewer. The work demonstrates Parsons’ interest in the ambiguities of perspective and multiple meanings.
Parsons is one of New Zealand’s leading younger sculptors. He graduated from the University of Canterbury in 1991 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and has exhibited throughout New Zealand. He has completed several public and private commissions and currently works in the film industry.