Bill Sutton
Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1917, d.2000
Read more about this artist on WikipediaH B Sands Esq.
- 1948
- Oil on canvas
- William A Sutton bequest, 2000
- 663 x 612mm
- 2000/40
Tags: green (color), lawyers, men (male humans), people (agents), portraits, students
About the artist

Bahamian Harry Sands was a law student in London in the late 1940s. He and W A Sutton lived at London House. Sutton was best man at his wedding in Felixstowe on 20 November 1948 and visited him in Nassau in 1951.
Harry Sands was senior partner in the law firm Harry B. Sands, Lobosky and Company, Nassau. He died in 2018.