
I belong to Oceania, like Albert by Danielle O'Halloran


Danielle O'Halloran reads her own poem, I belong to Oceania, like Albert, written in response to the exhibition Te Wheke: Pathways Across Oceania at Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū

Birthday Present (wood/ paint) Artist credits: Russell Thyne, Solomon Luke Ihonui Vasa Davis and Masina O'Halloran-Thyne.

Birthday Present (wood/ paint) Artist credits: Russell Thyne, Solomon Luke Ihonui Vasa Davis and Masina O'Halloran-Thyne.

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Like Destiny man

up Kangen water vaccinated

now they’re comin for our crypto

we gonna digital print our own 

whānau currency...



Like where, 

solofanua moana

moving fast past the land

running wild in the hills


of Samoan Māoli 

Chinese German 

Irish English 


O ai ‘ea’ oe? 

-    Who are you?

the horses and the ocean ask.


- I’m here, I call...



Like that Tongan

school counsellor

open-hearted to the suffering of 

those ali’is anxious gids

high functioning 




Like he she or they pronouns 

in most of our languages

like my cuz’s charcoal lids and glitter cheeks 

on the work zui, the zono

and our Facebook chat

where we belong, Oceania,

hey fanks Albert.