Light Store
Behind the scenes
Many hands make light work

We haven't had access to very much of our building for some time now, but there is a small pocket in the south-east corner that is still in use, most notably the workshop. Just down the hall is a small room that has been a 'light store' for many years. One good thing to come out of our enforced closure has been the ability to deal with some back-of-house tasks/improvements that have slowly fallen by the wayside. I don't have the classic 'before' shot - probably a good thing - but here's the 'after' shot. I can not possibly overstate the dramatic transformation that has taken place. Who knew there was this much space in this room. Nothing like some newly built - and neatly stacked - shelves to create a bit of floor space (quickly - but temporarily, John, temporarily - swooped on by an interloping trolley of photography equipment)....