Kisses for the gallery
Behind the scenes
We always like it when a story about the gallery gets onto the front page of The Press. We'd only managed twice in the last five years before last week, but we've featured twice in the last two weeks with Outer Spaces! (In the second edition of Thursday's Press the story had slipped to page 3 – still an excellent spot.)

The Press article by Charlie Gates of 15 December was headlined 'Gallery takes artworks to streets' and was really positive about our efforts to enable art to be made and shown beyond our walls. It reproduced a great image by Fairfax photographer Joseph Johnson showing Julia Morison's Aibohphobia beyond the closed gallery facade, with another headline 'Visual vertigo with a hi-vis tint'.
When I contacted Charlie to say how much I like the picture, he asked if I knew there were lipstick marks on the doors of the gallery where people (presumably women) have kissed it.

We're touched by his observation and those who kissed us.