
Millennium Park in Chicago

Behind the scenes

Thinking of urban renewal (as we do in Christchurch at present), I recall visiting Millennium Park in Chicago in June last year. There's no doubt it has become a key example of a successful public space with a range free activities in the park.

The Anish Kapoor sculpture, Cloud Gate (2004–6) is riveting and hugely successful, reflecting the city to the people and the people to themselves and each other. I couldn't resist photographing myself reflected several times – when you're travelling alone, what an opportunity a surface such as this provides to show you really were there.

I suspect no city in New Zealand – and perhaps especially not Christchurch at this time – would be able to afford the US $21 million price tag, but what a winner something like this would be for us all.

Anish Kapoor Cloud Gate 2004–6. Stainless steel

Anish Kapoor Cloud Gate 2004–6. Stainless steel
