Sangro Litany by Ralph Hotere

Sangro Litany by Ralph Hotere

The Sangro series, begun in 1962, is a memorial to Ralph Hotere's brother Jack, who fought with the Maori Battalion and whose grave lies among those of hundreds of other young soldiers at the Sangro River War Cemetery on Italy's Adriatic Coast.

Drawing (KO WAI KOE?) by Ralph Hotere

Drawing (KO WAI KOE?) by Ralph Hotere

This article first appeared in The Press on 28 March 2007

Among the highlights of the Christchurch Art Gallery's drawing collection is Drawing (KO WAI KOE?) by Otago artist Ralph Hotere. Produced in 1977 Drawing (KO WAI KOE?) illustrates Hotere's development from his formal geometric approach found in his earlier work of the late 1960s and early 1970s towards the more expressive manner he developed throughout the 1970s and 1980s.