Best flipping thing evarr!

Best flipping thing evarr!

We got a real kick out of our just-closed family exhibition Burster Flipper Wobbler Dripper Spinner Stacker Shaker Maker - and it seems like plenty of our public did too.

NUD CYCLADIC I by Sarah Lucas

NUD CYCLADIC I by Sarah Lucas

This article first appeared as 'A visible means of support' in The Press on 26 September 2014.

One Time offer

One Time offer

It is not every day, said the American poet and insurance lawyer Wallace Stevens, that the world arranges itself into a poem.

But sometimes you get lucky.

Feeding the Beast

Feeding the Beast

When 1+ 1 = art

Rebels, Knights and Other Tomorrows

Rebels, Knights and Other Tomorrows

Opening tomorrow

A Dark Knight on a Bright Day

A Dark Knight on a Bright Day

A new show rises at our 209 Tuam Street gallery.

Eyes on the skies

Eyes on the skies

If, like me, you've got a space-mad seven year old in the house, you'll be well aware that the European Space Agency's Rosetta Probe has now made its historic rendevous with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (AKA 'the one shaped like a rubber ducky').

Reopening envy

Reopening envy

With our eyes firmly set on the reopening of Christchurch Art Gallery at the end of next year, I've been following the progress of other institutions with interest, including the new Renzo Piano-designed Harvard Art Museums.

In praise of windows

In praise of windows

As you may know, we've all just shifted to a new office and while we're in closer proximity to each other than before and quite a bit further away from the Gallery's collection, for me at least there's one pretty glorious upside.

Firewall by John Nicholson

Firewall by John Nicholson

This article first appeared as 'Living colour' in The Press on 1 August 2014.

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