In memory of David Cheer 1931–2012

In memory of David Cheer 1931–2012

'Still, but never static' is how one writer described the work of local artist David Cheer, who died on 4 February, aged 80.

Hooked on a feeling

Hooked on a feeling

As we're all painfully aware, database searching is not always a straight-forward or precise operation.

Eye worms

Eye worms

One nice thing about art is that it's not locked down to the physical location in which you first encounter it. Once it's in your head, you can take it anywhere...

Aw, bless their little aerosol-coated hearts

Aw, bless their little aerosol-coated hearts

Let it not be said that Christchurch's vandals, ahem, street artists, lack a sense of community spirit.

Earthquakes and Ducklings

Earthquakes and Ducklings

Is it sheer, poetic coincidence that the number of the latest Landfall journal is 222?

Down the rabbit hole

Down the rabbit hole

As we all know through the apocryphal grapevine, it's not where your house is, or what it's made of that determines the likely effects of seismic movement.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

The Ancient Romans dedicated this day to their two-faced god Janus – the deity of gates, doors and beginnings.

Sweet Caroline

Sweet Caroline

I've enjoyed Albert James Rae's moody mezzotint landscapes and finely observed and etched portraits since a large folio of his work was acquired for the collection in 2001.   

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