Love him or hate him?

Love him or hate him?

That was the question posed by Emilie Sitzia and Louise Palmer to a large group of forty who had come along to listen to the ArtBite on Wild man last Wednesday.



Over 300 people came to enjoy the music and sunshine at the Gallery on Sunday.

Did you know this globally synchronised event promoting peace took place in over 150 countries, 375 cities worldwide?

Open for business

Open for business

It's been a roller coaster ride for all of us in Christchurch over the last 10 days, and for staff at Christchurch Art Gallery as our workplace became an operational civil defence headquarters. Equally, it has been wonderful to see how sturdy our art gallery building is and how collections in storage and on display have withstood the main jolt on 4 September and the subsequent (but now happily diminishing) tremors as the landscape settles. And how committed and able our staff team has been!!!

Roger Boyce gallery is an ideal meeting space

Roger Boyce gallery is an ideal meeting space

The Roger Boyce exhibition, like the rest of the gallery, is closed to the public today.

Final weekend

Final weekend

Final chance to see Andrew Drummond Observation / Action / Reflection and Taryn Simon: An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar, both exhibitions close Sunday 5 September at 5.00 pm.

Best Awards Finalist

Best Awards Finalist

Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū has been announced as a finalist in the 2010 Designers Institute of New Zealand Best Design Awards.

Andrew Drummond Book Launch

Andrew Drummond Book Launch

Andrew Drummond Observation / Action / Reflection book launch 25 August 2010.

Mueck Catalogues

Mueck Catalogues

While the show itself is still about 8 weeks away from opening, the Ron Mueck exhibition catalogues have just gone on sale in our shop.

Signing On

Signing On

This Wednesday night our weekly late night tour is something a little different. It's the second of our quarterly Sign Language tours for the Deaf community.

Join our volunteer guide team

Join our volunteer guide team

The Gallery is recruiting volunteers to guide daily tours and assist with school and holiday programmes.

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