Invitation to Marcel Duchamp exhibition opening, 25 July 1967. Robert and Barbara Stewart Library and Archives, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū. Exhibition file 20A

Two 'Crude exhibits' out of city display, Star, 25 July 1967

Gayest of the Duchamp Brothers, Press, November 1967

The Press Wednesday July 26, 1967

The Christchurch Star August 3, 1967

The Christchurch Star July 27, 1967

Source unknown

Source unknown

The Press July 29, 1967

Source unknown

Letter to the Press July/August 1967

The Press July 29, 1967

The Christchurch Star, Wednesday July 26, 1967

The Christchurch Star, Saturday July 22, 1967

The Christchurch Star, Wednesday March 29, 1967
This exhibition is now closed
This exhibition of works by Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) proved something of a sensation in Christchurch in 1967. It was drawn from the Mary Sisler Collection and included works now almost too familiar: Roue de Bicyclette, LHOOQ and Fontaine. This last work, a urinal, and Priere de toucher, a fur-trimmed breast, proved too much for local tastes. Councillor P. J. Skellerup dubbed them "crude exhibitionism", Gallery director William Baverstock dismissed them as "just a piece of French daring", though he admired Duchamp's painting and certainly supported the exhibition overall. Predictatbly there were counter-protests and letters to the editor. Click on the '<' and '>' buttons to follow the controversy.
Exhibition number 20A
25 July – 13 August 1967 -
Robert McDougall Art Gallery - main gallery -
Exhibition number: