Wallpaper group project
Students design and print their own piece of wallpaper. Explore the use of block-printing, screen-printing and stencils. Ready to assemble on a school wall at completion of the workshop.
Gorgeous frieze designs
Weave a design using cut-out leaves and flowers or decorative vines to create a tumbling pattern across a wall. Experiment with black ink pens and watercolour paint to complete a beautiful botanical pattern.
Illuminated text
Explore the art of lettering. Learn the easy way to do calligraphy and experiment with other forms of lettering (tagging, 3D and adding shadows). Use colour, black inks and gold leaf to complete the lettering.
Make a concertina book
Learn how to construct a simple yet beautiful book. Design the cover and add creative touches to each page. Ideal for adding poems and artwork back in the classroom.
A mathematical approach
Choose from a wide range of images to design a wallpaper pattern. Use rotation, mirror imaging, negative and positive, flipping, overlapping, shadowing and reversal to manipulate the image. Photocopy and collage to build a more complex version.
Self-guided Visits
Teachers are welcome to guide their students through Christchurch Art Gallery. An Education Pack can be provided. Guided tours should be arranged with the education officer.