The Twelve (or there-abouts) Days of Christmas

The Twelve (or there-abouts) Days of Christmas

A festive countdown for your viewing pleasure (with numerous substitutions due to regional variations, seasonal adjustment, pear tree shortages etc).

Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Here's a view to make you glad you're soaking up the Antipodean sun (albeit with high cloud, chance of showers and late rain, but no snow and way-happier turkeys).


Burster Flipper Wobbler Dripper Spinner Stacker Shaker Maker

A family-focused exhibition powered by the excitement of seeing ordinary things transformed in unexpected ways.

Black Union Jack

Black Union Jack

With the death of Nelson Mandela, the history of the anti-apartheid struggle is being re-examined, including the protest movement that emerged here in New Zealand.

This Goes Out to You

This Goes Out to You

These are tricky, venue-lean times for artists in Christchurch, which means exhibitions can turn up just about anywhere.

Street urchins, blue moons and rare visions

Street urchins, blue moons and rare visions

Even in a city where surreal scenes have become somewhat routine, the sight of the Isaac Theatre Royal's eight-tonne dome, suspended like a great alien craft, had the power to turn heads and drop jaws. Preserved inside a strange white shroud while the theatre was slowly deconstructed around it was a jewel of Christchurch's decorative arts heritage – a 105 year-old Italianate plaster ceiling featuring a circular painted reverie on the theme of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The dome, along with the rest of the theatre, is currently being restored as part of an ambitious rebuild that is expected to be completed in 2015 at a cost of over $30 million.



This Aussie-coined expression was recently named word of the year, but the notion's pretty old hat round here.

What a load of...

What a load of...

Would your work pass the rubbish dump test?

Blurred Lines

Blurred Lines

The Gallery's newest exhibition, Shifting Lines, makes for memorable viewing at our Tuam St space.

Snug as a bug in a polarfleece rug

Snug as a bug in a polarfleece rug

There was something a little bit sweet about these blankets and old carpets being used to wrap these pipes currently running out of the Gallery carpark as part of the relevelling project.

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