We're painting a mural
Behind the scenes
Well, actually the students from room 19 at Halswell School are. I was in class a couple of mornings ago helping the kids to create mural designs to hang in the the soon to re-open Arts Centre Market. They have created some very charming pictures of all the things they can remember about the place.

Are they excited about having their paintings on display in the Arts Centre? Heck yes! One boy is going to practice his autograph all weekend so he can sign his work like a real artist.

This afternoon Min and Airi from visitors services have been faithfully tracing out the children's designs onto the large mural boards and on Monday room 19 are travelling into town to paint their murals. They will be in the Arts Centre market square painting all day. You are more than welcome to come and have a look. You might even get roped into helping out.